Feature Open Trial only, entry fee $25 - limit of three entries per competitor.
1st $250, 2nd $150, 3rd $100, 4th $75 & 5th $25. Encouragement Award
Entries to Kim on 0448 673 373 or email tenterfieldshow@outlook.com
Dorrigo, 16 -17 March.
Maiden, Novice, Open, Encouragement and Under 16 trials. Entries close 9 March 2024. Numbers may be restricted depending on entries.
Dorrigo Showgrounds in the undercover arena. 6.30am start both days.
Entries to tamalee443@bigpond.com, entries should be paid before the closing date. Stewards: Paul Dawson 0458 278 117, Graham Langham 0409 996 206, Sally Duckett 6657 5241.
Powered camping sites $25 night, unpowered sites $20 a night.
Woolbrook 6-7 April
Maiden, novice and open trials. Entries close 22 March. Enquiries to Nathan Brown on 0473 878 144.
Bonalbo Show Trial, 12 April.
Maiden, novice and open events.
Entries close Friday 5 April. Entries limited to five per competitor. No late entries will be accepted. Dog owners need to be a full or day member of the NSWWSDA or an affiliated association.
Entries to Merlene Allen phone 0447 653 202.
Stroud Saturday 20th
M/N in conjunction & Open events
Text or phone entries to Brett Thompson 0408688482
Entries close Friday 19th
Coolah 26-28 April contact Ben Grady 0498105147
Dungowan 28th April sheep handling contact Jan Hahn 67694338
Ashford 4-5 May
Maiden, Novice and Open trials. Open to be run on Saturday, with the final under lights on Saturday night. Maiden and novice on Sunday.
Nominations Close 30th April 2024. Nominations to be paid via direct debit.
Armidale 24-26 May
Victor Moar Feature Maiden, Novice, Open and Teams dog trials.
The event will kick off at 2pm Friday, 24 May, with round one of the open dog trial.
The Feature Maiden and Novice trial could possibly start Saturday afternoon depending on entries.
The Teams trial will be held on Saturday evening from about 6pm. (Teams of two handlers/one dog per handler. Open to all classes, subject to entries and time.)
Entries close Wednesday, 15 May, 2024. No entries will be accepted after this date. Payment due with entries.
For further details see the entry form below.
Dungowan 25th May Cattle Handling contact Jan Hahn 67694338
White Park (SCONE) 31 May - 2 June POSTPONED
Gunnedah, 8 - 10 June (long weekend).
Maiden, Novice, and Open events as well as a Bush Dog Trial. Yard dog trials will also be run at the venue.
Canteen operating throughout the weekend, with dinner Friday (Railway Hotel) and Saturday nights.
Camping fees will apply.
Entries close 1 June. For further information contact Emily Wall on 0419 705 772 or email gunnedahdogtrial@gmail.com
Piallamore 22nd June sheep handling contact Jan Hahn 67694338
Australian Titles, St George, Queensland 4 - 7 July.
Open, novice and maiden events as well as State of Origin teams trial.
Trialing starts 6am Thursday, 4 July.
Nominations $40 for open, $30 for novice and $20 for maiden. Nominations close 21 June - no late entries accepted. Noms and camping fee ($25) to be paid on entry.
For all enquiries contact Scott Wilson on 0497 270 477, Kym Wilson on 0437 991 574 or email stgeorgecattledogtrial@outlook.com
Event flyer Australian Titles entry form
Rouchel 13th, 14th July CANCELLED
Maiden, novice, open, open bush dog and encouragement trials.
Nomonations close 30 June. Enquiries Brendan Shearer 0431 567 222.
Casino Heritage Trial and NSW Championships 18 - 21 July
The start date for the NSW Championships has been changed. It will now begin at 2pm Thursday, July 18, with the running of the entire first round of the open and the start of the second round.
The Casino Dog Trial Committee advises there will be no late entries or reruns on Friday morning as the first round will be finished, and the second round will have started.
Organisers say it is important for all participants to be present and ready to start their runs at 2pm on Thursday, July 18. A draw will be published around nine days before the trial starts so everyone will know where they are in the 1st round.
Organisers have made these changes due to concerns about the number of participants being too high and wanting to avoid running the event until 10 or 11 o'clock at night to accommodate everyone.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Ben Gould or Jess Gall.
This prestigious event will host the NSW Championship for Open, Maiden, and Novice events, along with a special Sire Shootout. The event will be run undercover in the new arena at the Casino Showground.
Event Highlights
Casino Engineering and Industrial Supplies Open NSW Championship, $5000 1st place
Parker & Kissane Solicitors Novice NSW Championship, $1000 1st place
Casino Veterinary Clinic Maiden NSW Championship, $800 1st place
Northern Rivers Veterinary Service Casino Sire Shootout, $2000 + semen collection & freeze 1st place. This event will be run in conjunction with the Open, with a final showdown on Saturday night featuring 8 to 10 of the high-scoring male dogs. Participants are allowed to enter as many males as they like. A Calcutta will be run for the finalists on Saturday afternoon before the shootout
Prize Pool: More than $15,000 in prize money, along with Ironworx & Designs trophies and additional prizes.
New Entry Process: This year, all entries will be managed online through Nominate. For participants experiencing issues with internet access or the online nomination process, assistance is available via a dedicated contact number for phone nominations. To submit your entries, follow this link to the Nominate website. For help with your nominations, please call Nominate at 07 3118 9555.
ENTRIES CLOSE 10 July. No late entries.
Amenities: Toilets, showers, and other amenities will be available on-site. There are plenty of sites for camping and caravans, with limited powered sites.
Food Availability: Basic food will be available on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, the event will run in conjunction with the Heritage Weekend, featuring multiple food vans and a variety of food options.
NOTE: If dog numbers exceed expectations, there is a possibility that the event will commence on Thursday, 18 July.
For assistance with nominations, please call Nominate at 07 3118 9555. All other enquiries phone Jessica Gall 0417 122 766.
Moonbi 20th July sheep handling contact Jan Hahn 67694338
Maclean Dog Trial, 3 and 4 August
Open, Novice, Happy Davis Memorial Maiden, and bush dog trials.
Final for each event. Calcutta will be run on the maiden. Maiden and novice finals to be run under lights on Saturday night.
Nominations to Ethan Davis 0419 223 060 or Robbie Sutherland 0438 453 281
Loomberah 17th August cattle handling contact Jan Hahn 67694338
Bingara 31st August, !st September Dog Training School
Bonalbo 7-8 September
M/N in conjunction and Open events. Limit of 10 dogs per handler per event.
Canteen all weekend, No Bar , No meal Saturday night
Entries may be limited depending on numbers
CLOSING DATE FRIDAY 30 AUGUST. Entries to Merlene Allen on 0447 653 202.
Wiangaree 14-15 September
Saturday 7am for 7.30 start. Program will be Novice, Novice final, then start of the Open.
Sundaday program: Open, open final, Peter Wickham Maiden (and in conjunction with Maiden for Maiden) for jackpot prize money of $200 (Maiden for Maiden is the first time the dog is trialled), Maiden final, and Bush Dog Trial. Entries close Monday, 9 September, 2024.
Canteen will open over the weekend with a hot meal Saturday night.
Phone Graham Gordon on 0437 150 859 or 02 6636 4109 between hours 7am to 9pm.
Bingara 21 - 22 September
Maiden, novice, open and bush dog trials. Entries open on 1 September and close on 14 September.
Entries to be submitted via email and nominations paid in advance.
Nundle 21st September Pup challenge grand final with sheep contact Jan Hahn 67694338 for both days
Nundle 22nd September 3 sheep practise and members only trial. Contact Jan Hahn 67694338
2024 North Coast Futurity and Debry and Training Day, Rappville 28 and 29 September
Futurity and Derby will be run on Saturday, 28 September, with both events to be run over three rounds.
A training day for existing, new and potential cattle dog triallers will be held on Sunday, 29 September. There will no cost for the training day -- this is a free event for people wanting to learn more about dog trialing and existing members.
Registrations for the Futurity close 30 June 2024. To be eligible for the Futurity dogs must be under two-years-of age on 30 June 2024 to qualify.
To enter the Derby, your dog must have been registered for last year's Futurity. For further information about the Futurity or the Training Day, contact Geoff McLennan on 0438 356 895 or Lew Molloy on 0418 664 641.
Red Range 5-6 October POSTPONED - new date to be advised.
Daruka 12th October sheep handling contact Jan Hahn 67694338
Dungog, Saturday 19 October.
Open, Maiden / Novice, Encouragement and Team events
Entries to Norma Pearce junctionfarm@bigpond.com
or phone 0427450305 , 49959235 Canteen available
Closing date Sunday 13 October
Alstonville Show trial 25th October
Further details to follow
Nowendoc 2 - 3 November
Further details to follow
Red Range 9--10 November
Further details to follow
Woolbrook 5th -- 6th April
Further details to follow
Coolah 26th -27th April
Further details to follow
Bonalbo 2nd May
Further details to follow
Wiangaree 3rd -- 4th May
Details to follow
Gunnedah 7th, 8th ,9th June
Further details to follow
It is the responsibility of event organisers to ensure details on the calendar and event listings are correct. If details change or are incorrect, please advise secretary@nswworkingstockdogs.org.au asap. Also, for events run in conjunction please advise i.e., M/N or N/O, otherwise it may be presumed events are being run separately. Also, what finals are being run. Thank you.
It is the responsibility of trial organisers to send results. See our trial organisers page for templates and more.
It is the responsibility of event organisers to ensure details on the calendar and event listings are correct. If details change or are incorrect, please advise secretary@nswworkingstockdogs.org.au asap. Also, for events run in conjunction please advise i.e., M/N or N/O, otherwise it may be presumed events are being run separately. Also, what finals are being run. Thank you.
It is the responsibility of trial organisers to send results. See our trial organisers page for templates and more.